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Prepare your skin for the Sun: Here’s what you MUST know
With the arrival of summer, the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and you want [...]
Contrasts aging with innovation dr. Jart +
I present to you a new ultra-innovative and scientifically designed and created line to keep [...]
Acne what to DO
What is Acne? Acne is an inflammation of the pilsebaceous follicles and therefore that [...]
Blackheads what they are and how to eliminate them
Blackheads are also called open comedones and are formed when surface debris is pushed upwards, [...]
Plant stem cells, what are they? Why am I a powerful Antiage and Lifting?
Lately there has been more and more talk of stem cells in cosmetics. But what [...]
Essential vitamins according to the type of skin
The skin is a very important organ in our body that defends us from infections, [...]
Acne: the importance of cleansing with professional products
Cleansing is the first step in skin care that must be done correctly and with [...]
Korea “the paradise” of cosmetics. Let’s find out why?
Over the past 40 years, the Korean cosmetic industry has seen significant growth to become [...]