Vitamin A: She is the real skin-to-skin in winter. In the term “vitamin A” both retinol and its analogues, called retinoids, are included. At least 1,500 different types are known, including natural and synthetic, and they all have an antioxidant action that protects cells from aging and the degenerative damage produced by free radicals. Vitamin A protects and keeps skin, hair and mucous healthy, strengthens the physique against lung infections and is useful in the treatment of acne, boils, and skin ulcers.
Vitamin B: Vitamin B is often associated with shiny skin, but also healthy hair and strong nails. In fact it is not a single vitamin but a family of vitamins, all with properties very useful to your body and essential for your health and beauty. Vitamin B contained in dr. Vita restores the functionality of the skin barrier, hydrates deeply and soothes the sensitive face.
Vitamin C: It is able to slow down the aging process by preventing the damage caused by free radicals, stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation and irritation, decrease the pigmentation of spots, illuminate the complexion, improve the skin’s natural healing response and increase the effectiveness of sunscreens. Therefore, it is widely used in home treatments especially with anti-aging and whitening features
- Vitamin A: Contains Vitamin A and carrot extract specially designed for the type of dry skin, increases skin resistance against external irritants.
- Vitamin B: With extracts of vitamin B, aloe vera and Machihyun specially designed for the type of oily skin, it controls sebum and calms the skin.
- Vitamin AC: With vitamin AC, Kava Kava extract specially designed for the normal type of skin, it faces lax skin problems.
- Vitamin E: contains vitamin E, citrus and pumpkin extracts specially designed for the type of dry skin, increases skin resistance against external irritants.
- Vitamin C: Includes vitamin C, kiwi and aloe vera extracts specially revitalized for dry and rough skin due to stress.

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