Terms and Conditions

koreabeautycosmetics.com Operating Agreement for Associate Network

This koreabeautycosmetics.com Operating Agreement for Associate Network, including all exhibits and attachments here to and incorporated here in by reference (the “Agreement”), contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to a party’s participation as an associate in the Associate Network of koreabeautycosmetics.com (the “Program”). As used in this Agreement, “we”, “us”, or “koreabeautycosmetics.com” means koreabeautycosmetics.com, LLC, and “you” means the applicant party. “Site” means a World Wide Web site and, depending on the context, refers either to the koreabeautycosmetics.com Site or to the portion of the koreabeautycosmetics.com Site that you will link to using Qualifying Links as defined in Section 2 of this Agreement.

1. Enrollment in the Program

You may submit a completed Program application to begin the enrollment process (“Application”). Submission of your Application to the koreabeautycosmetics.com Associate Program implies acceptance to the terms set forth in this Agreement. We will evaluate your Application and notify you of your acceptance or rejection. We may reject your Application if, in our sole discretion, we determine for any reason that your website is unsuitable for the Program.

koreabeautycosmetics.com’s non-associate network marketing partners, re-sellers and suppliers are not eligible to enroll in the Program.

Unsuitable websites include, but are not limited to, those that:

– Promote sexually explicit material;

– Promote violence or hate toward any persons or groups;

– Promote illegal activities;

– Promote alcohol, tobacco, gambling/lottery in any way;

– Promote the use of pyramid, “ponzi”, or similar investment schemes;

– Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;

– Contain, in our sole judgment, material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or harassing to us or any third party;

– Are known as “blogging sites”, defined for purposes of this Agreement as sites that contain only blogging and no other form of informational content;

– Include “Korea Beauty Cosmetics”, “Korea Beauty” or variations or misspellings thereof in their domain names;

– Otherwise violate intellectual property rights of koreabeautycosmetics.com, or its suppliers;

– Disparage koreabeautycosmetics.com, Korea Beauty Cosmetics associates, or their suppliers;

– Are under construction or not live at the time of Application;

– Do not clearly state an online privacy policy to its visitors; or

– Provide a portion of their Referral Fees (as defined in Section 5) to websites or organizations that would violate any of the above criteria.

In addition, koreabeautycosmetics.com may, at its discretion, decline to accept, require adherence to an additional set of terms and conditions, or require the posting of specific copy for any website that (1) donates, directs or transfers any portion of their Referral Fees or associate benefits to any charitable website, education-related website, organization or program; or (2) provides rewards back to their members in the form of points or cash-back, or conduct other similar loyalty programs in connection with purchases made by members via their websites.

Regardless of your acceptance in the Program, we may terminate this Agreement for any reason, at any time.

The terms of our acceptance criteria are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

All decisions for acceptance into the Program will be made within our sole discretion.

If your Application is not accepted, you may reapply to the Program at any time; however, you should not and may not link to our Site unless you are approved for the Program.

As a member of the Associate Program, you grant koreabeautycosmetics.com permission to distribute any email communication directly to you that koreabeautycosmetics.com determines is necessary communication for you to receive in order to continue as a member of the Program, regardless of your choice to opt-out from certain communication.

2. Links on Your Website or Third Party Websites

Upon acceptance into the Program, we will make available to you Qualifying Links that are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. A “Qualifying Link” is a link from a website to our Site using one of the Universal Record Locators (“URLs”) or graphic links provided by koreabeautycosmetics.com, Korea Beauty Cosmetics Associate Network or by other means selected by us for use in the Program. All Qualifying Links must link directly and exclusively to koreabeautycosmetics.com. koreabeautycosmetics.com must approve each and every website that links to our Site through a Qualifying Link. If you use a Qualifying Link to link a website to our Site without seeking explicit authorization, your continued use of that Qualifying Link shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. However, continued use of the Qualifying Link will nonetheless subject such websites to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.

The Qualifying Links will serve to identify you website as a member of the Program and will establish a link from a website to our Site. All Qualifying Links that you will use in the Program will be provided to you from Korea Beauty Cosmetics’s in-house associate Network or by other means selected by us. You also agree that you will display on the website containing the Qualifying Link only those logos, trade names, trademarks, graphic images and similar identifying material (“Licensed Materials”) that are provided by us or by our in-house associate network, and you will substitute such images with any new materials provided by us or our in-house associate network from time to time throughout the term of this Agreement. A web widget that is pre-approved in writing by koreabeautycosmetics.com for use on your website may be considered a Qualifying Link for purposes of this Agreement. Accordingly, web widgets are subject to all of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement that apply to Qualifying Links.

Only valid Qualifying Links will be tracked for purposes of determining Referral Fees that you may be eligible to receive on sales of Qualifying Products (as defined below) generated through your participation in the Program.

Only Qualifying Links may be used to link a website to areas within our Site. You may not link directly to koreabeautycosmetics.com without use of a Qualifying Link. You may post as many Qualifying Links to our Site as you like on a website, provided that you ensure that each website containing a Qualifying Link posted by you meets the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, that such website does not fall into the “unsuitable website” category described in Section 1, does not fall into the “prohibitions” set forth in Section 3, and you take responsibility for all websites on which you post a Qualifying Link in accordance with Section 10. The position, prominence and nature of links on a website shall comply with any requirements specified in this Agreement but otherwise will be in your discretion.

You acknowledge that, by participating in the Program and placing a link to koreabeautycosmetics.com (or any category page therein) on any website through use of a Qualifying Link, we may receive information from or about visitors to such website or communications between such website and those visitors. Your participation in the Program constitutes your specific and unconditional consent to and authorization for our access to, receipt, storage, use, and disclosure of any and all such information, consistent with the policies and procedures set forth in our Privacy Policy located in the footer of the koreabeautycosmetics.com Site.

3. Prohibitions

You understand and acknowledge that this Agreement is made between you and koreabeautycosmetics.com, LLC and is solely for the purpose of allowing you to link to the koreabeautycosmetics.com Site.

As a condition to your acceptance and participation in the Program, you agree to the following prohibitions:

A. General Prohibitions.

You may NOT:

– engineer any website containing a Qualifying Link in such a manner that pulls Internet traffic away from koreabeautycosmetics.com;

– publish, link to, sell, otherwise distribute, or place a Qualifying Link on the same page or in close proximity to any Objectionable Content. For purposes of this Agreement, “Objectionable Content” means any material, including textual, audio or video material, which is offensive (including hate speech or violence against a particular group of people); contains any nudity, explicit violence or sexual material; contains depictions of violent or sexual acts; is defamatory to any group or individual; or promotes alcohol, tobacco, or gambling/lottery;

– publish, link to, sell, otherwise distribute, or place a Qualifying Link on any social networking sites, including, but not limited to, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

– attempt to modify or alter our Site in any way;

– make any representations, either express or implied, or create an appearance that a visitor to your website is visiting our Site, e.g., “framing” or “wrapping” the Site in any manner without first obtaining in advance our express written permission. Such requests must be made in writing and sent to koreabeautycosmetics.com, Kevin: Associate Program Manager(inhouseaff@koreabeautycosmetics.com), ShenZhen, China.;

– “scrape” or “spider” the Site or any other websites for content (such as images, logos or text);

– participate in Yahoo’s Search Submit Pro (SSP) Search Marketing Program;

– place ads on, or participate in any way in, AdNetworks or Search Content Networks;

– employ, use or place any web browser add-ons, toolbars or pop-ups on your website;

– link any Qualifying Link to any website other than our Site, including, for example, your own website;

– bid on our Trademarks at any website that provides search engine services and that results in driving traffic to any website, other than our Site, including your website;

– engage in any direct or indirect relationships with ISPs and/or mobile carriers that results in the delivery or act of address bar keyword and URL error trafficking (e.g., a user mistypes a web address in the ISP’s address bar or search bar, and, as a result, is redirected to a web page that contains a Qualifying Link that directs the user to sites like koreabeautycosmetics.com).

– employ the use of any type of software download or technology which attempts to intercept or redirect traffic or Referral Fees to or from any website;

– use any Trademark (as defined in Exhibit A), or any Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2), provided to you as a result of your participation in the Program to advertise or engage in services which result in a sale occurring on your website, whether or not you then have the item fulfilled through koreabeautycosmetics.com;

– without the prior written approval of koreabeautycosmetics.com, use any Trademark, or any Licensed Material in an advertisement that is not created or provided by koreabeautycosmetics.com in any way that might suggest or imply or mislead or is likely to mislead a visitor to your website into believing that koreabeautycosmetics.com was the creator or sponsor of such advertisement;

– re-distribute Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2) to websites which can reasonably be viewed as koreabeautycosmetics.com’s competitors, including but not limited to, “Lightinthebox”, “tinydeal”, “dx”, “Bangggod”,”focalprice”, “Amazon”, “Aliexpress”, “Geekbuying”, and “dinodirect”.

– re-distribute, display or syndicate Licensed Materials and/or koreabeautycosmetics.com’s datafeed, including any product information set forth therein, to any third party partner, network or agency;

– employ, use, or receive any direct or indirect benefit from, any “cookie stuffing” methods (e.g., use of “cookie stuffing” to cause Korea Beauty Cosmetics’s in-house tracking systems to conclude that a user has clicked through a Qualifying Link – and to pay commissions accordingly – even if the user has not actually clicked through any such link);

– install spyware on another person’s computer; cause spyware to be installed on another person’s computer, or use a context based triggering mechanism to display an advertisement that partially or wholly covers or obscures paid advertising other content on a website in a way that interferes with a person’s ability to view that website;

– display any material on a website containing a Qualifying Link which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other similar harmful or deleterious programming routines;

– without the prior written approval of koreabeautycosmetics.com, use any widgets on your website that: (a) include any Trademarks (as defined in Exhibit A); (b) include any Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2); or (c) directly or indirectly send traffic to koreabeautycosmetics.com;

– post, publish, link to or place a Qualifying Link on the Korea Beauty Cosmetics Facebook Page;

– forward, redistribute, or otherwise repurpose any or all Qualifying Links to any third party;

– release Korea Beauty Cosmetics’s sales circulars, advertisements or other information prior to their authorized release dates; or

– purchase products or services sold or promoted on koreabeautycosmetics.com through a Qualifying Link for resale or commercial use of any kind.

B. Prohibitions Regarding Use of Electronic Communications

Electronic Communication includes email messages, text messages, and any other form of non-verbal communication occurring without the use of physical mail. You may NOT do any of the following using Electronic Communication unless you first obtain in advance koreabeautycosmetics.com’s express written permission. Such requests must be made in writing and sent to koreabeautycosmetics.com, Kevin: Associate Program Manager, inhouseaff@koreabeautycosmetics.com, ShenZhen, China. These prohibitions are in addition to, and not in place of, all prohibitions and restrictions that you are bound to under the Korea Beauty Cosmetics in-house Associate network Membership Agreement, as amended. You may not:

– generate or use Electronic Communication using or containing Trademarks (as defined in Exhibit A), or any variation or misspelling thereof, or products, or any of the Qualifying Links or URLS provided to you as part of the Program;

– send any other Electronic Communication that in any way suggests or implies or misleads or is likely to mislead (including without limitation, via the return address, subject heading, header information or message contents) a recipient into believing that koreabeautycosmetics.com was the sender or sponsor of such Electronic Communication or procured or induced you to send such Electronic Communication;

– forward, redistribute, or otherwise repurpose any Electronic Communication that koreabeautycosmetics.com sends to its associates and/or customers; and

– generate or send any unsolicited Electronic Communication (spam) under this Agreement

C. Prohibitions regarding use of Trademarks (as defined in Exhibit A)

In addition to the requirements and prohibitions regarding use of the Trademarks set forth in Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference, you may NOT:

– use the Trademarks in any manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement.

– use the Trademarks, or any variation or misspelling thereof, in metatags, hidden text or source code, in your domain name or any other part of your URL as further detailed in Exhibit A;

– bid on keywords as further detailed in Exhibit A;

– bid on our Trademarks at any website that provides search engine services and that results in driving traffic to any website, other than our Site, including your website;

– use koreabeautycosmetics.com or Korea Beauty Cosmetics’s vendors or suppliers’ logos, trade names, trademarks, graphic images, product images, product references and similar identifying material unless expressly and specifically provided by koreabeautycosmetics.com for use in the Program, unless used within a keyword string (i.e. Hanes T-Shirts).

In addition, you are bound to act in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including without limitation, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM”) and the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”). You shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and our parent and related entities from and against any claims, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including without limitation, attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation, even if such claims are groundless, fraudulent or false, incurred by us arising out of any content or activity by you or on your website or resulting from or in connection with your violation of any of the terms or prohibitions contained in this Agreement or any law, rule or regulation, including without limitation, claims for violations of third party intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy, including but not limited to CAN-SPAM and COPPA.

We will be responsible for all aspects of order processing and fulfillment of orders placed by customers who follow your Qualifying Links to the koreabeautycosmetics.com Site in accordance with applicable legal requirements. We reserve the right to reject orders that do not comply with any reasonable requirements that we periodically may establish. Among other things, we will prepare orders forms; process payments, cancellations, and returns; and handle customer service. Through the Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network, you have the ability to track sales made to customers who purchase products using your Qualifying Links and you can review reports summarizing this sales activity. To permit accurate tracking, reporting, and fee accrual, you must ensure that your Qualifying Links are properly formatted. The form, content, and frequency of the reports are limited to those reports and capabilities available through the Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network and may vary from time to time in our and/or The Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network’s reasonable discretion. koreabeautycosmetics.com is not responsible for any changes that The Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network’s format, timing, or types of reports available to members of The Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network and koreabeautycosmetics.com’s Associates. koreabeautycosmetics.com will not be responsible for improperly formatted links regardless of whether you have made amendments to the code or not. In addition, we are unable to track or provide credit for sales from customers that are referred to us with browsers that do not have their cookies setting enabled.

5. Referral Fees

We will directly pay you Referral Fees on certain product sales generated from our Site only. For a product sale to generate a Referral Fee, the customer must

– use a browser that has its cookies setting enabled;

– follow a Qualifying Link (in the format specified by koreabeautycosmetics.com) from a site to the koreabeautycosmetics.com site;

– purchase the product using our automated ordering system;

– accept delivery of the product at the shipping destination; and

– remit full payment to us.

We will pay ultimate payment to you directly, Referral Fees on products that are actually purchased by a customer within 30 days after the customer has initially entered our Site (“Referral Fee Time”) as long as the customer reenters our Site directly during that time (and not through another associate link). We will not pay Referral Fees on any products are purchased on our Site when a customer has re-entered our Site (other than through a Qualifying Link from your website) after the Referral Fee Time, even if the customer previously followed a link from your website to our Site. Referral Fees will not be earned on products where a customer’s purchase of the product derived from search results driven from free or natural search; this includes results containing Qualifying Links displayed in a search engine’s free/non-paid, natural, or organic search results in response to a search query which sends customers directly to koreabeautycosmetics.com without the customer first being sent to an associate site and the customer clicking on a link to arrive at koreabeautycosmetics.com. Purchases from Gift Cards, and Online Gift Cards are not eligible to earn Referral Fees. Customer Service invoice adjustments and reorders are not eligible to earn Referral Fees. Products that are entitled to earn Referral Fees under the rules set forth above are hereinafter referred to as “Qualifying Products.”

6. Referral Fee Schedule

You will earn Referral Fees based on the sale price of Qualifying Products (as defined above), according to fee schedules to be established by us. “Sale price” means the sale price listed on our Site and excludes costs for shipping, handling, gift-wrapping, rebates, refunds, returns, chargebacks, cancellations and taxes. The current Referral Fee Schedule is available to you through the associate portal available to all members of the Program (“Associate Portal”).

Because of the volume and breadth of items that we carry on our Site and our practice of continuing to add new items over time, certain items may not be listed in the Referral Fee database at the time purchases are made through your website. In addition, we reserve the absolute right and discretion to exclude items from our Referral Fee database (see e.g.Online Gift Cards). Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that we cannot and do not warrant or guarantee that you will be paid a referral fee on any item(s) or that all items eligible for a referral fee will be paid in accordance with the Referral Fee Rates listed on the Associate Portal. You acknowledge that in such circumstances, you will accept the Referral Fee Rates and payouts actually paid to you. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Referral Fee Schedule, at any time. If you have any questions concerning whether a certain item is eligible for a referral fee, please contact gap@koreabeautycosmetics.com.

7. Referral Fee Payment

The commission can be available balance on that sale 30 days after their order payment.

You can withdraw to Giftcard/Coupon from your account when the available balance exceed $60, there is no processing fee. Please Drop an email to gap@koreabeautycosmetics.com once you transferred, we will set the Coupon the Gift Card within 3 business days.;

You can withdraw to Paypal/Webmoney from your account when the available balance exceed $100 , but you will charge the processing fee per withdrawal. We review the payment application @11:00 UTC+8 On every Monday and transfer on every Thursday/Frida;

You can withdraw to Bank from your account when the available balance exceed $1000, and we will charge the processing fee per withdrawal. We will process bank transfer withdrawal requests submitted before Friday on the following Monday morning, and the payment transfer period is 7 Business days from the day your transaction approved.

8. Policies and Pricing

Customers who buy products through this Program will be deemed to be customers of koreabeautycosmetics.com without affecting their status as your customer. Accordingly, all koreabeautycosmetics.com rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders, customer service, and product sales will apply to those customers with respect to their transactions at koreabeautycosmetics.com. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time consistent with applicable laws. For example, we will determine the prices to be charged for products sold under this Program in accordance with our own pricing policies. Product prices and availability may vary from time to time. You may include current price information in your product descriptions only if such information is provided to you by koreabeautycosmetics.com, provided that any price information must be accompanied with a statement on your website indicating to the user that in the event of any price difference between your website and koreabeautycosmetics.com, the price listed on koreabeautycosmetics.com will govern. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to present current and accurate information, but we cannot guarantee the availability or price of any particular product.

9. Limited License; Restrictions

We grant you a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable right to access our Site through the Qualifying Links solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and solely in connection with the Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2), only as provided to you by us, through The Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network, or by other means selected by us, and solely for the purpose of identifying your website as a Program participant and to assist in generating the sale of koreabeautycosmetics.com products.

You acknowledge that this Agreement does not provide you with any intellectual property rights in the Licensed Materials other than the limited rights contained herein. We reserve all of our rights in the Licensed Materials and of our other proprietary rights. You may not sublicense, assign or transfer any such licenses for the use of the Licensed Materials, and any attempt at such sublicense, assignment or transfer is void. We may terminate your license to use the Licensed Materials for any reason at any time in our sole and absolute discretion. You agree to follow our Trademark Requirements in Exhibit A, as those may change from time to time. We may revoke your license at any time by giving you written notice.

10. Responsibility for Your Website or a Third Party Website on which you place a Qualifying Link (“Third Party Site”)

You will be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your website and for all content that appears on your website. For example, you will be solely responsible for:

– the technical operation of your website and all related equipment;

– creating and posting product descriptions on your website or a Third Party Site and linking those descriptions to our Site;

– updating product information, content and item descriptions (including, but not limited to, product price and availability) within 24 hours of any update of such product information, content and/or item description at koreabeautycosmetics.com or from datafeed content provided through Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate;

– the accuracy, timeliness and appropriateness of content posted on your website (including, among other things, all product-related materials);

– ensuring that materials posted on your website or a Third Party Site do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party (including, for example, copyrights, trademarks, privacy, or other personal or proprietary rights), or any term of this Agreement;

– monitoring your website content and the content of a Third Party Site to ensure your website or the Third Party Site does not publish, link to, sell or otherwise distribute Objectionable Content (as defined in Section 3);

– removing any Licensed Materials and Trademarks from your website or a Third Party Site as soon as any Objectionable Content appears on the website

– notifying us and the Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network of any Objectionable Content that appears or appeared on your website or a Third Party Site at any time during your participation in the program, within six (6) hours of its appearance, even if you immediately removed the Objectionable Content per the requirements of this Agreement or for any other reason;

– ensuring that content posted on your website or a Thrid Party Site is not libelous or otherwise illegal; and

– notifying us and the Korea Beauty Cosmetics In-House Associate Network of any malfunctioning of the Qualifying Links or other problems with your participation in the Program in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

We disclaim all liability for these matters. Further, you will indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees) relating to the development, operation, maintenance, and contents of your website.